

Presse Médicale Formation Focuses on Women’s Hearts

Presse Médicale Formation recently devoted the dossier in its second issue to the specificities of cardiovascular disease in women.

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Presse Médicale Formation recently devoted the dossier in its second issue to the specificities of cardiovascular disease in women. Every day, this disease kills 200 women in France and 25,000 around the world, with delays diagnosis and treatment essentially due to the fact that women aren’t screened enough for this disease and aren’t always aware how they can be impacted by it. This reality is still relatively unknown, yet eight out of 10 cardiovascular events are preventable with information, health education and targeted screening. During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we’re worried that the number of cardiovascular events among women will increase since they are often more worried about their family’s health than their own and many of them are exposed to social isolation or family stress. Women must pay attention to any cardiovascular warning symptoms. Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation is sharing the full dossier on women’s cardiovascular disease so you can Alert, Anticipate and Act effectively to save lives through prevention.





How Domestic Violence Increases Cardiovascular Risks

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Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Signs Partnership with Crédit Mutuel

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Why Cardio-Obstetrics is so Important

Cardio-obstetrics takes a team approach to cardiovascular disease management during pregnancy, the same approach we’re using at University Hospital of Lille as part of our Cœur–Artères–Femmes (Heart–Arteries–Women) pathway. It integrates cardiologists, obstetricians, gynecologists, general [...]


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