

How to Eat Well to Live Well

Eating well means eating a varied, balanced, low-salt diet. It means eating some of everything but in the right amounts at the right time.

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It’s best to eat more foods that are good for our health like fruits, vegetables, while grains, dairy products and fish. And we should limit consumption of sugary products (like pastries, sweets, and sugary drinks), salty products (like prepared foods, chips and crackers) and fatty foods (like deli meats, butter and cream). Watch out for soft drinks: they’re very high in sugar (e.g., a 12 fl. oz. can contains 30 to 50g!) and sodium. Be careful with alcohol as well because it’s high in calories. Drinking lots of water, on the other hand, is very good for you. Your diet should be balanced over a week, rather than just a meal or a day. This means there aren’t any forbidden foods if you compensate later with healthier foods. You can rebalance after a holiday meal by eating lighter and more balanced meals on the following days. While a healthy, balanced diet limits weight gain, it also helps you avoid developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Plus, the different meals give your body structure during the day, which helps you regulate how much you eat. It’s best to avoid skipping a meal. Instead, eat smaller, balanced meals. Meals are about more than just food. They’re also an opportunity to talk to the people you’re eating with, which helps maintain positive social connections. It’s also important to dedicate enough time to your meals. Avoid eating too quickly to feel full. It’s also best to avoid eating in front of a computer, smartphone or TV because we tend to eat more in that case. Nutritionists recommend sticking to three meals per day. As you’ve likely heard, eating breakfast is important after fasting all night. An ideal breakfast could include a beverage, cereal product, dairy product, fruit, a bit of sugar (jam) and fat (butter). You can mix and match from the dietary recommendations below to create your lunch and dinner. Veggies: create a meal with raw veggies, soup, meat or fish served on a bed of pasta, rice or beans. A few eggs, no more than one pound of meat per week, and fish twice a week (including fish that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids like sardine, herring, mackerel or salmon). Beans at least twice per week. Olive or canola oil, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Whole grains like whole wheat pasta, quinoa, and multigrain or whole wheat bread. A dairy product (max of two per day): cheese (1 oz.), yogurt, calcium-enriched soft cheese, etc.
Fruit: whole, in a compote or salad, etc.
And water, whenever you want—it’s the only essential beverage! Ideally, it’s recommended that you eat five fruits and veggies per day, meaning at least 14 oz. for every meal. Eat them in all forms (cooked, raw, etc.) to benefit from their fiber and vitamin K. It’s important to limit your salt intake to just over one teaspoon per day because salt promotes weight gain and hypertension and aggravates osteoporosis. Watch out for hidden salt in cheese, cold cuts, preserves, pre-cooked meals and desserts. To add extra flavor in place of salt, opt for spices, garlic, onions, shallots and aromatic herbs. Finally, it’s recommended to limit alcohol consumption to no more than eight units per week and make sure there’s at least one day when you don’t partake. One unit = a glass of red wine (4 oz.) or beer (8.5 oz.). Avoid consuming cocktails since they’re high in sugar and contain hard liquor.




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