“My leg was hurting for several days. Then slowly my foot started turning blue. I ended up not being able to put any weight on it. My doctor sent me to the hospital. I’ve been smoking around one and a half packs a day since I was 16 and I’ve been taking the pill for about the same amount of [...]
I’m 61 and I love outdoor sports, the mountains and nature. Even my bout with breast cancer 30 years ago couldn’t knock me out of the game. Instead, it helped me heal. In 2017, during a period of enormous chronic stress due to family and professional commitments, I suddenly felt pain in my chest [...]
“I hadn’t been feeling very well for several months. My leg hurt when I walked and I coughed a lot. I talked with my doctor who sent me to the hospital for a full battery of tests. At that time, I was still smoking around 20 cigarettes a day. I had been taking anti-depressants since I had my baby. [...]