
Manager (Hinges)

Sophie, 34 years old

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I’m the proud mom of a little four-month-old girl.
Something unique about me: I had a heart transplant three years ago.
It saved my life and allowed me to fulfill my dream of becoming a mother, something that had been completely inaccessible before.
That’s because I’d been diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at 20.
My heart was too tired to the point that at the age of 30, I had to have a heart transplant, which happened quickly. After a year and a half, my cardiologist brought up the possibility of having a baby.
After changing my anti-rejection medications and having two control biopsies, we got his agreement.
Two months later, I was pregnant! It was such good news!
I had good care during my pregnancy and my heart was monitored every month. I heard these two hearts beating inside me: the transplanted one and my baby’s.
Everything went fairly well. Margaux was born after eight months of pregnancy. She was tiny but perfect and healthy.
I’m forever grateful to my donor, the medical professionals and my loved ones. Thanks to them, I’m alive and I was able to give life myself.
Organ donation is so important. It means giving life with the promise that it comes back around. We all need to become aware of this. That’s why I wanted to share my story on the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation website.




Clémence, 25 years old

Student (Montpellier, France)

My name is Clémence. I’m 25 and I was born prematurely at 7 months with a fairly rare genetic disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, sometimes called hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. A mutation of the MYH7 (myosin heavy chain) gene I carry caused this disease. In my case, the wall [...]



Pascale, 43 years old

Architect from Brest, France

“I didn’t have any chest pain when I had my heart attack. I had gastric pain deep in my sternum and I thought it was bad digestion. I also had pain in my back. I thought it was my spine, which had already been hurting. I tried to soothe the pain with a hot water bottle, but it still spread. I [...]



Martine, 61 years old

Primary care doctor (Colmar, France)

I’m 61 and I love outdoor sports, the mountains and nature. Even my bout with breast cancer 30 years ago couldn’t knock me out of the game. Instead, it helped me heal. In 2017, during a period of enormous chronic stress due to family and professional commitments, I suddenly felt pain in my chest [...]


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