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Afin de renforcer notre efficacité autour de nos 3 missions Alerter, Anticiper, Agir, nous avons choisi de multiplier les actions de communication, d’information mais aussi les actions au plus proche du terrain permettant ainsi un impact concret et majeur au service de la cause. Sauver la vie de 10.000 femmes à 5 ans nécessite un plan d’actions stratégique et opérationnel avec des indicateurs de suivi et de performance. C’est dans cette rubrique actualités que vous vivrez avec nous le développement de notre fonds au quotidien.
Vous y retrouverez nos derniers communiqués de presse, nos interventions médias (TV, Radio, Presse) mais aussi nos prises de parole, nos commentaires sur les dernières études ou  données importantes. Tous ensemble nous pouvons faire évoluer la perception des maladies cardio-vasculaires chez les femmes et leur prise en charge.


How to Live Your Best Life in Menopause

The drop in hormones can trigger symptoms that vary from one woman to another. While menopause isn’t an illness, it can expose women to various diseases, including cardiovascular disease. This means screening for risk factors is a public health issue. Should you take hormone replacement therapy? [...]



Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the Most Common Genetic Heart Disease

The symptoms of HCM vary widely. Some people may have palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness or loss of consciousness. But in the majority of cases, this disease causes few to no functional issues. This means the condition is usually discovered during a routine medical exam using an [...]



How Romantic, Social and Financial Breakdowns Cause Broken Heart Syndrome

Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Issues Alert About Takotsubo “An accumulation of intense stress leads to emotional fragility, which can end up paralyzing the cardiac muscle,” says Prof. Claire Mounier-Véhier, a cardiologist at University Hospital of Lille who cofounded [...]



Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Appears on the BFM Business Check-up Santé Show

Thanks to Fabien Guez for inviting us to appear on his Check-up Santé show on BFM Business to talk about cardiovascular disease among women and Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes). Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among women. Every year [...]



How Domestic Violence Increases Cardiovascular Risks

In addition to psychological and emotional suffering, stress, anxiety, depression and suicide, domestic violence has many other health repercussions that aren’t as well known. This trauma contributes to cardiovascular disease when survivors develop obesity, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation [...]



Why Women Need to Take Care of Themselves

Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, was recently a guest on the Legend Ladies podcast. She shared a bit about her life and her motivations at Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation. We all have a story that explains who we are today. But most importantly, this podcast was an opportunity to remind [...]



Why Reproductive Health and Cardiovascular Health are Intimately Connected

The gender-specific events women experience between puberty and menopause—the age they have their first period, pregnancy and any related complications, and the age they reach menopause—are associated with their cardiovascular health. This was the observation of the authors in a recently-published [...]



How to Support Women’s Health at Work

How can women pay attention to their hearts when their lives are so stressful? They have a tendency to forget themselves while carrying a heavy mental load as they juggle performing well at work, taking care of their children, managing their household, staying desirable to their spouse or partner, [...]


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