Afin de renforcer notre efficacité autour de nos 3 missions Alerter, Anticiper, Agir, nous avons choisi de multiplier les actions de communication, d’information mais aussi les actions au plus proche du terrain permettant ainsi un impact concret et majeur au service de la cause. Sauver laIn our work to Alert, Anticipate and Act for women’s hearts, we focus on communicating, sharing information and taking action in the medical field to effectively make a significant, concrete difference on this cause. Saving the lives of 10,000 women in five years requires strategic and operational action plans and tracking and performance indicators. Explore this publications section to see how our foundation is growing every day.
It includes our latest press releases and coverage of our media appearances (TV, radio and print media), as well as our recommendations and commentary on the latest studies and important data. Together we can change perceptions about cardiovascular disease in women and improve its treatment.
Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) is alerting women about an indicator of cardiovascular risk that should encourage them to get a cardiovascular check-up as they enter menopause. Our gynecology experts (Delfany Mardhel and Geneviève Plu-Bureau from [...]
New guidelines for managing atrial fibrillation (AF) were presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s congress in 2020. The 236-page document goes into detail about all aspects of managing AF. Dr. Stéphane Boulé, expert ambassador for Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation, [...]
This book helps women choose the right contraception methods, which will change throughout their lives. [...]
Expert consensus from the French Society of Hypertension, associate of the French Society of Cardiology, in partnership with the French National College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians [...]
The French Society of Hypertension (SFHTA*) recently published an expert consensus to optimize management of cardiovascular risk for women. [...]