Only a little over half of women in France (53%) get the WHO’s recommended level of physical activity, which is at least two and a half hours per week of moderately intense activity or one hour and fifteen minutes of intense activity, according to a study published June 9, 2020 in the Santé [...]
Certain risk factors are linked to higher risk of cardiovascular disease and a poorer prognosis for women than men. At the same age, women have more cardiovascular risk factors than men. More than 80% of women over 45 have at least two. Their risk of heart attack linked to hypertension, diabetes or a [...]
Tobacco is the most alarming avoidable risk factor because it’s responsible for the earliest cardiovascular events in women. At any age, for the same rate of tobacco use, the risk of heart attacks is 25% higher for women than men. Tobacco is harmful for the heart and arteries, no matter how much is [...]