

Alert, Anticipate, Act to Save Lives

Féminin Senior magazine featured Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, and Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation in their cover story to present a broad overview of cardiovascular disease in women.

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In France, 200 women die every day from cardiovascular disease in all its forms, and 25,000 die every day worldwide, with delays in treatment mainly due to a lack of awareness. The causes of death in France are well documented: women die most often from a stroke, then from heart attack or heart failure. What’s most distressing are the many young women who are going to intensive care units for heart attacks. Yet eight out of every 10 cardiovascular events can be avoided with a healthier lifestyle and appropriate screening. For us, Alert means telling women that they can all be affected by cardiovascular disease and that they should also alert their mothers, daughters, and friends. Anticipate means addressing risk factors and informing health professionals so that they pay attention the warning signs and take appropriate measures when the signs and risks go into the red. Act means coordinating multidisciplinary teams throughout the entire health care system, including pharmacists. Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation’s goal is to save the lives of more than 10,000 women in five years.

Download Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier’s interview
Download the cardiovascular disease prevention document




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