Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier and Thierry Drilhon, cofounders of Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation, were Agnès Renard’s guests on Telesud, a general interest TV station broadcasting in Africa. They took the opportunity to talk about cardiovascular disease in women, as well as introduce the foundation and its work. Their message: it’s essential to alert, anticipate and act without delay to encourage women to take better care of themselves.
Prof. Mounier-Vehier was a guest on the Chroniques Santé show on TV WEO to explain why it is important to change the stereotypes about cardiovascular disease in women. There are still major biases related to cardiovascular disease in women that lead to many lost opportunities. Insufficient [...]
What are the first steps when a patient arrives at the emergency department? Are older people managed differently way? What is the medical follow-up after a heart attack? What is cardiac rehabilitation? How can I manage the anxiety of a possible recurrence? Can I start driving again after a heart [...]
Classic cardiovascular risk factors have different consequences or frequencies in women and they have some risk factors that only apply to them. Cardiovascular disease may show up differently for them. Finally, they don’t react to treatment in the same way. Risks During Pregnancy In 10% to [...]