

Why Women’s Arteries are Sensitive to Stress

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Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, was a guest on the RTL radio morning show and encouraged women to take care of their hearts and arteries especially during this stressful time as things begin to reopen after lockdown. There are many sources of stress, such as remote work arrangements, children to watch, and the fear of getting sick and not being able to take care of family obligations. Women’s coronary arteries are more sensitive to stress with multiplier effects related to other risk factors like a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, excess weight, high blood pressure and precarious financial situations. Thank you to the journalists and media outlets who are helping to save lives together. The goal of the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) is to save the lives of 10,000 women in five years. Prof. Mounier-Vehier founded the organization with Thierry Drilhon on the 2020 International Day of Action for Women’s Health. The Foundation is mobilizing around three pillars: Alert – Anticipate – Act. https://www.rtl.fr/actu/bien-etre/coronavirus-les-femmes-victimes-de-sur-stress-pendant-le-confinement-estime-mounier-vehier-7800557227




Long Term Effects of Gestational Hypertension

A British study from University of Cambridge analyzed the results of a meta-analysis involving a total of 3.6 million women, including 128,000 with gestational hypertension. The study was recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association and can be accessed at



Why Reproductive Health and Cardiovascular Health are Intimately Connected

The gender-specific events women experience between puberty and menopause—the age they have their first period, pregnancy and any related complications, and the age they reach menopause—are associated with their cardiovascular health. This was the observation of the authors in a recently-published [...]



Why Cardio-Obstetrics is so Important

Cardio-obstetrics takes a team approach to cardiovascular disease management during pregnancy, the same approach we’re using at University Hospital of Lille as part of our Cœur–Artères–Femmes (Heart–Arteries–Women) pathway. It integrates cardiologists, obstetricians, gynecologists, general [...]


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