“I’ve had a heart problem since I was three months old. When I got pregnant last year, I knew things wouldn’t go like they do for other women. My cardiologist informed me of several things. First, my child would come early because my delivery had to be by c-section due to the condition of my [...]
“I hadn’t been feeling very well for several months. My leg hurt when I walked and I coughed a lot. I talked with my doctor who sent me to the hospital for a full battery of tests. At that time, I was still smoking around 20 cigarettes a day. I had been taking anti-depressants since I had my baby. [...]
September 2019: I left my home after domestic violence. I filed a complaint with police and started divorce proceedings. My first shock. March 2020: COVID-19 arrived and I was locked down alone in my apartment and new town, Le Havre. Being furloughed for three months threw me into a state of complete [...]