“I’ve had a heart problem since I was three months old. When I got pregnant last year, I knew things wouldn’t go like they do for other women. My cardiologist informed me of several things. First, my child would come early because my delivery had to be by c-section due to the condition of my [...]
My name is Pascale. I’m 49 years old and I live in Villeneuve d’Ascq. I don’t smoke, drink or vape and I eat well. I’m stressed and constantly anxious. I’m worn out and tired… actually, I’m exhausted. Everything’s related to my personal and professional life story. My body tried to [...]
My name is Rosita. I’m 68 years old and for more than 35 years, I’ve suffered from various cardiac issues related to a malformed mitral valve. In 1998, I had a very successful mitral valve plasty procedure, but still had a stroke in 2012 after hastily completed thrombolysis. Fortunately, there [...]