Des femmes engagées pour la cause des maladies cardio-vasculaires aux cotés d'Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation souhaitent alerter à leur tour et partager leurs expériences. Elles ont été victimes d'un premier accident, elles ont bénéficié d'une prise en charge cardio-gynécologique, elles veulent désormais à leur tour sauver des vies et s'impliquer dans la prévention positive.
Last summer during the heatwave, I had difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, even though walking was my favorite pastime. I lead a healthy life and eat a balanced diet. I decided to see my doctor because of the chronic fatigue and shortness of breath. I was worried about light pain in my arm [...]
I’m 61 and I love outdoor sports, the mountains and nature. Even my bout with breast cancer 30 years ago couldn’t knock me out of the game. Instead, it helped me heal. In 2017, during a period of enormous chronic stress due to family and professional commitments, I suddenly felt pain in my chest [...]
“I was at Roissy airport after a long-haul flight. While waiting in the endless customs line, I had trouble moving my left leg. It felt terribly heavy and painful. It was worse than having my leg fall asleep. I had been drinking water and walking often during the eight-hour flight. I figured this [...]
During lockdown, I was experiencing strange sensations. I called the paramedics right away and described what I was feeling. They told me I was having a heart attack. Fortunately, I was taken to the hospital right away and had two stents inserted. I was released after four days and started cardiac [...]
I had a huge shock when my daughter was born seven years ago. She was my second child. My first birth went smoothly, so I wasn’t worried about anything in particular. I worked until two weeks before my due date and was pretty proud of how my pregnancy had gone. When I got to the maternity ward at [...]
I went through a really stressful time when I lost my little boy during the sixth month of my pregnancy. It was my second pregnancy in less than two years. I was exhausted and had a really hard time accepting this loss. A few weeks later, I had digestive issues for several days, with gastric problems [...]
“A colleague verbally attacked me for an incident that seemed to me like it wasn’t a big deal. I felt a physical shock, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. I felt pain in my chest and my left arm for two or three days, but I wasn’t alarmed by it. Then, one night while I was reading, I [...]
“I hadn’t been feeling very well for several months. My leg hurt when I walked and I coughed a lot. I talked with my doctor who sent me to the hospital for a full battery of tests. At that time, I was still smoking around 20 cigarettes a day. I had been taking anti-depressants since I had my baby. [...]